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Fifth Column 11:51 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
And Madrid as a club have made the same complaints re policing and violence. It's not just Liverpool.

Fifth Column 11:50 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
I hate to interrupt the hate fest for Liverpool... but honestly I think in this case this thread is unfair on them.

There is so much video all over the internet of "locals" attacking and beating up random fans, including women. Followed by the Police tear gassing people at random. If WH fans had been subjected to this everyone on here would be up in arms.

I've had very little sympathy for them over the last few decades due to them always blaming everyone else for everything. There clearly were some of their fans with fake tickets.

But the situation they faced was horrendous and that doesn't change just because they're Liverpool fans.


Side of Ham 11:15 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Liverpool like to put up their history as their reason to be adored but they won’t do the same with their supports atrocious behaviour.

The French riot police went by their history of aggression at previous finals and they were right to as they haven’t changed even down to the fact many of those with genuine tickets won’t hold those with fake tickets to account.

The only thing the scousers are right on is the plastic fans getting tickets ahead of them in the first place.

fraser 10:55 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Manuel has a point, I'm not obsessed with scousers.. Plastic ones on the other hand who slag of West Ham and come from down the road from me and say 'we win so much what do you ever win' boil my piss and guilty of a slight obsession with them.. :-)

The plastic cunts, especially the ones I saw on my Facebook in the garden waving flags and singing Liverpool in a fake scouse accent.. The cunts

Syd Puddefoot 9:59 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
From the BBC; Champions League Final: Harrowing accounts of post-match violence spark debate.


mashed in maryland 7:12 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again

Northern Sold 4:09 Wed Jun 1

Man Utd fans were similar with the "Republic of Mancunia" shite for a while.

Manuel 6:08 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
If not obsessing over scousers makes me a twat, then I'll take it. At least I stick to the thread topic, while you are still trying to make a name for yourself. Cunt.

Fortunes Hiding 4:55 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
You really are a twat.

Manuel 4:11 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
This is old news now, move on ffs. Who actually gives one fuck unless you are obsessed with Scousers. Oh, hang on.

only1billybonds 3:07 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
I listened to the Redmen tv podcast broadcast two days after the game as I wanted to get their view on the whole thing. If you can go into it with an open mind it's well worth a listen, dosnt completely absolve some of their fans but there were other factors at play, UEFA and the French plod have much to answer for.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:20 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again

Your post only makes sense if we pretend that 'a major contributory factor' must be 'the main factor'.

Which, of course, is bollocks.

Ronald_antly 2:13 Sat Jun 4
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Leatherhead Hammer wrote...

"Don't worry Hermit. i am not absolving the scousers of all blame. A load of them forcing their way in without tickets was a major contributory factor in the trouble that occured."

Errr .... but the report that YOU provided the link for suggests that it was 'locals' that were the main culprits.

It seems that no amount of facts will exonerate the Liverpool fans in some people's eyes.

gph 12:42 Thu Jun 2
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
GSS: that's one thing in Scousers' favour....

Quite a few scousers have played for West Ham (apart from drug-dealer Mark Ward, who doesn't count as a plus point)

Gary Strodders shank 12:19 Thu Jun 2
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Do they play cricket up in scouse land?
I cant think of one remotely famous cricketer with a scouse accent or that was born there.

Plenty of Mancs and Lancs

Leatherhead Hammer 12:00 Thu Jun 2
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Don't worry Hermit. i am not absolving the scousers of all blame. A load of them forcing their way in without tickets was a major contributory factor in the trouble that occured. But it is interesting that this other stuff wasn't reported by the main stream media.

Hermit Road 11:50 Wed Jun 1
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Leather head, if that geezer told me it was raining outside I’d check.

Leatherhead Hammer 11:33 Wed Jun 1
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
There may be more to the story of what happened on Saturday, than just scousers turning up without tickets.


Mike Oxsaw 7:06 Wed Jun 1
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Imagine the (media) carnage of a CL with no Liverpool and/or Man U for 5 years - that's about half their drawpower wiped out at a stroke.

Simply won't be allowed to happen - national political egos plus brown envelope augmented money movement will ensure a "solid answer will be found at pace to keep sucking those viewers in.

Northern Sold 4:09 Wed Jun 1
Re: Liverpool fans at it again

Scouse not English...

Been watching a few YT vids to try and get my head around their thinking..

Immigrants from Ireland (yup like no other places in the UK has immigrants)

Port City (yup like Bristol, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Plymouth and all the other port cities all want to be republics... )

No Privilege -(hence the booing of the Royal family and National anthem - yup as all other so called no priv' areas do exactly the same)

Opposition songs regarding starvation and famine - (yup that look in the dustbin for something to eat must really hurt to the core).

Government left them out to dry (Same Government that is now the areas biggest employer...passport office, HMRC, Home office etc... wonder how many will be refusing the Jubilee Bank holiday and annual priv' day Queens Holiday... nil I reckon ).

So in conclusion....They are all a bit fick' really...

LeroysBoots 2:18 Wed Jun 1
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Having had tickets at 2 x CL finals observing fakes is not hard !

The real tickets are printed on card quality

The fakes I saw were on v poor quality paper

My Man U supporting mate bought a fake in Lloret on the beach, paid 100 quid

When he came back to our hotel we all looked at each other and didn't have the heart to tell him it was fake !

arsene york-hunt 12:38 Wed Jun 1
Re: Liverpool fans at it again
Far Cough 7:27 Tue May 31

Even when they do mention Heysel, it was all the Italians fault

It was the Italians fault. Running from a fight as per.

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